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NGOLI Project

We have focused our efforts on one rural community in northern Zambia, helping with healthcare and education. We have a 'Sponsor a Child' program helping 'vulnerable but viable' children to attend higher education so they can get a job and live their dreams.


Supporting IT literacy in Schools 

A modern education needs students to have the chance to learn computing. Many Zambian secondary schools share a computer between 100+ students, and 19% of computers in schools are broken. Have a look at how our project seeks to tackle these issues.


TAFIKA Feeding Project

In northern Malawi children often only eat one meal a day. This project is inspired by a local Volunteer Youth Group called Tafika who want to empower communities to be able to feed their own children in the morning so they are not hungry at school and can concentrate. This is a multi-NGO project and seeks to tackle the issue of food security in a sustainable way.  


Medical Electives

Since 2020 ZMCP have been working with Ekwendeni Hospital in Northern Malawi to bring final year medical students into the hospital for their elective experience.


Self sustaining communities 

Read about how we have been helping communities create businesses so they don't have  to hold their hand out for cash. Get involved and help us plant trees. 


Sports for communities

Sports is a mechanism for behaviour change and our partners tell us it reduces teenage pregnancy, and alcoholism and also it improves school exam results.

It provides purpose for the youth and passion for the community. 

Read about how our set of partnerships are helping hundreds of communities to become engaged in sport.



Tiko is a community based project aiming to help people help themselves. The projects funded provide infrastructure, tools and learning to help people improve their lives and their communities.


PAST Projects 

We have completed many projects already, from power and water provision to the building of libraries and sponsoring of basic medical research initiatives.

Tiko community ctr.jpg
  • Charity details:

  • ZMCP is a UK Charity Registration Number 1136225

​​Contact us:

If you'd like to help please contact Kate and Mick here


You can view our charity and our report and accounts at the Charity Commission website. ZMCP also works with Zambia's Scholarship Fund (US Charity CFC number 10806) and the Tikondane organisation (a Zambian registered not for profit organisation)

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