PAST Projects
In the summer of 2019 Sian James spent three months in Kasama working with Kelvin and Tobias from the ZSF team to help deliver projects in Ngoli. At the same time she visited Chishimba High School and saw the desperate need the school had for clean water. Sian raised £1650 and in December 2019 the school sunk a borehole at their site to provide the water they so badly needed. Thanks to Ivy from Chishimba High School for all her help and enthusiasm. Have a look at the borehole photos and video to see what this project is all about.

FPZ Community Centre, Sewing and Sports clubs and Water project
The construction of this community facility is now complete and the centre provides meeting facilities for local organisations such as a youth club, football and netball clubs and sewing groups, as well as an outreach location for the Nyamphande Clinic to hold talks and seminars.
The sewing club uses machines donated by the charity, while the sports groups are using donated uniforms and equipment.
The successful completion of the water project means clean water is now readily available for the villagers.
Memorial Library
Work is progressing on the construction of a library in Chipata in Eastern Province and will be sited in the new headquarters of the Anglican Diocese of Eastern Zambia. It will be established and managed under the authority of the Bishop of Eastern Diocese, currently Bishop William Mchombo. It will become a public facility for the local area and a memorial to Canon Cyril Mudford, who was an Anglican priest in Zambia 1946 - 1966, and a renowned educationalist. He managed schools in an area of Eastern Province and also founded a hostel for 30 Zambian boys, called Holy Cross. This encouraged boys to be educated for vocations such teaching, the priesthood and medical work.
Many of the boys who passed through Holy Cross went into government posts after Independence, and some became ambassadors for their country.
Some books have been donated already, mainly for use by the Priests of the area, and FPZ has been asked to enable the establishment of the library with the necessary shelves and furniture. The furniture and shelving would be made by local craftsmen. On completion of the library a book fund will be set up. This work is ongoing.
Nyamphande District
Irrigation Project
With the help of generous donors the original charity, FPZ were able to supply five groups in the Nyamphande district of Zambia with much needed sets of irrigation equipment consisting of pumps, hoses and sprinklers which will overcome the uncertainty of the rains.
It will also make it possible to grow crops outside the rainy season providing a wider range of crops which will reduce reliance on the staple crop of maize and give chance of an improved diet while any surplus can be sold in the market as a cash crop.
Acute Kidney Injury Project
The original charity, FPZ supported a project with the potential to reduce kidney disease in Zambia - and beyond.
Medical student, Anna Wallace, spent six weeks in St Francis’ Hospital, Katete in August 2015. With her tutor, Doctor Andrew Lewington, she worked out a programme with the potential to avoid kidney disease in many diabetic patients. The trustees were influenced that this is a better approach to the problems associated with kidney disease than supplying kidney dialysis machines.
Dr Lewington is a urinary consultant with a special interest in kidney disease prevention in developing countries and is co-chair of a human rights initiative of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) [see Zero Preventable Deaths from AKI by 2025] https://www.theisn.org/all-articles/616-0by25

Water Project
This project has now been completed with the installation of a solar powered submersible pump in the existing bore hole and the construction of an elevated storage tank with pipe-work to supply tap stations.
The work has been carried out by contractors Davis and Shirtliff from Lusaka.