Since 2020 ZMCP have been working with Ekwendeni Hospital in Northern Malawi to bring final year medical students into the hospital for their elective experience.
The hospital is a general hospital with around 250 beds and offers a range of opportunities to students seeking a challenge for their elective project.
Quick Facts:
The hospital can offer you food and a place to stay (which you will have to pay for)
Its easy to get to the hospital - fly to Lilongwe and then take one of the regular busses to Mzuzu (5 hours), the hospital will arrange for you to be picked up from the bus station.
The hospital can help with visa forms and local registrations
There are no agents fees but if you want to raise funds for the hospital that's great :-)

“I had a great time on my elective at Ekwendeni hospital. During my month there I was able to integrate within the team, spending time on the adult, paediatric and obstetric wards as well as attending the rural outreach clinics and assisting in theatre. I had the opportunity to improve my clinical skills and gain experience assessing and treating a different population with vastly different healthcare needs to the UK.”
Adam Perros, final year student 2023
Want to find out more then please contact Mick and Kate who can put you in touch with the hospital and also with students, like Adam, who have recently visited so they can give you the real story of what life is like on the ground in northern Malawi.